Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blog Post #4

For my fourth blog post, I am going to discuss podcasts! I have not had much experience with podcasts, but I have heard good things about them. In this post I will discuss three resources that were provided to me by my professor, Dr. Strange. These three resources are: Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting, The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom, and Podcasting With the First Grade. Each podcast focuses on using podcasts to teach skills to students.

In Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano's blog post, Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting, she uses podcasting to teach students a language. She discusses what a podcast can provide in terms of learning a language. She discusses an example of how she provided a group of students learning Hebrew with the technology of podcasting. Silvia Tolisano stated that these students were able to "see their voices, read the sounds, [and] manipulate the sequence of sentences." I can see how using podcasts is a great way to teach student a new language. They can interact physically and mentally with a podcast, giving them the ability to absorb the information much easier than the traditional way of reading and writing repetitively.

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
The video posted by Joe Dale, The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom, describes the benefits of podcasting in the classroom. These benefits provide differentiation in the classroom which allow for creativity and innovation. Podcasts can be used as a project based learning approach, where the student write the scripts. Podcasting in the classroom is a new way to excite students and allow them to demonstrate higher thinking skills. Podcasting can enhance instruction by uploading lectures and lessons where students who have missed material and/or give them the ability to get the information while on the go. This process of learning and educating is interesting and different.

Podcasting in Elementary Class

Podcasting With the First Grade
Silvia Tolisano achieved great things by having the first grade at her school make a podcast. In her blog post, Podcasting With the First Grade, first grade students made a podcast with the help of Silvia Tolisano. She stated that these kids had a blast. These students had fun and were happy to help edit and memorize the script rather than read it. I found that this use of podcasting is a great way to teach students a particular story or any lesson. I was happy to learn that the students who were quieter, became more outgoing and interactive than before. I hope I can achieve this in my classroom when I begin to teach!

After watching Listening-Comprehension-Podcasting, The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom, and Podcasting With the First Grade, I am excited to do a podcast with my EDM310 classmates at the University of South Alabama. I found that the use of podcasting in the classroom can benefit teachers, students, parents, and anyone who witnesses this. Students can use this technology to learn new information easily, because they would be interacting with something rather than sitting and listening. I believe podcasting can be a wonderful source to teach in a classroom.


  1. Nancy,
    I thought it was great that you described the podcast as a "project based learning approach" that demonstrates "demonstrate higher thinking skills"! These are very important things! These are the difference between using rote memorization and surface knowledge, and calling upon the higher, more creative levels of that Bloom's Taxonomy stuff we get sick of hearing about in the College of Education!
    I especially love that it really does leave "No Child Left Behind": any students absent or absent-minded during the lesson can go back and find what they may have missed.
    Be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors. I didn't really spot any but I saw a few errors in word choice or verb tense. For example: "Silvia Tolisano achieved great things by have the first grade at her school make a podcast." I think this should say "by having the first grade.." but be sure to always make sure you mean what you say and say what you mean.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Nancy!

    I loved reading your ideas about each podcast! I only found a couple of grammatical errors, one of which Carly pointed out above. I too have little to no experience with creating a podcast but agree that it is a great way to get shy students to interact with their classmates. Once again, great job on your descriptions of each podcast and your overall blog! I enjoyed reading it!
